core cooling

core  coolingcore cooling
  1. So that is the emergency core cooling system for a pressurised water reactor .


  2. The emergency core cooling system is a component part of engineered safety feature of a nuclear power plant .


  3. It is necessary to determine switchover time to simultaneous cold and hot leg safety injection during LOCA long-term core cooling .


  4. We had to actually raise the temperature of the emergency core cooling system because the NRC thought our vessel was somewhat embrittled .


  5. Counterflow condensation is one of the important core cooling mechanisms during a loss of coolant accident ( LOCA ) of PWR .


  6. Based on GO-FLOW methodology , the reliability of emergency core cooling system ( ECCS ) in lose of coolant accident ( LOCA ) was analyzed .


  7. And you have to have also , if you have an emergency core cooling system , you have to be able to compensate for the worst failure of any component in that ECCS system .


  8. When you have an event , the reactor is operating at full power , you blowdown the primary coolant which is hot , you start injecting emergency core cooling water which is cold .


  9. The recirculating pit filter in containment is an important equipment of safety system in nuclear power plant . In the recirculating condition , it influences the operation of emergency reactor core cooling system and spray system in containment .


  10. Safety assessment was carried out to defects in dissimilar weld joints of nuclear power plant piping in the emergency core cooling system ( ECCS ) and shutdown cooling system ( SDCS ) in Qinshan No.


  11. In this paper , we construct the synthetic fault tree of emergency core cooling system by using phased mission analysis method , calculate the exact so - lution of the unavailability of emergency core cooling system , and present two approximate calculating techniques .


  12. The vortexes have been observed frequently at intakes of hydraulic structures such as hydroelectric power stations , navigation locks , flow and level regulation and withdrawal from sumps in Emergency Core Cooling Systems ( ECCS ) of nuclear power stations .


  13. By comparing the 1-D and 3-D calculation results of LOFT L2-5 test progress , related 3-D effects and its influence on such emergency core cooling progress as ECC bypass etc and that on the fuel peaking cladding temperature ( PCT ) is preliminarily investigated .


  14. Reactor core isolation cooling system


  15. During solidification of hollow ingot , its solidification and quality are seriously affected by the heat transfer boundary conditions between inner sleeve of core and cooling medium .


  16. Using stable heat transferring theory , a thermo hydraulic model has been built , which has considered the influence of the core temperature and cooling hydrogen temperature .


  17. Given the design parameters , it is importance to predict the temperature and temperature difference distribution of the cavity and the core and the cooling time which provide essential foundation for designer to evaluate scheme and to optimize cooling system design .


  18. By decreasing the grade of cast iron , using furan resin selfsetting sand as a substitute for clay sand to make the core and prolonging cooling time in mould , the cracking problem has been solved .


  19. Measures on Noise Control of Core , Tank and Cooling System in Large Power Transformer


  20. Use the core insert with conformal cooling channels induce the systematic method for the design of cooling system for mold based on RP technology .


  21. As the core equipment of a cooling system , tube and shell condensers usually account for more than 35 % of total costs .


  22. The RFM-S capacitor comprises the core , enclosure , cooling water tube and connecting terminal supported by sheath .


  23. The water pump is a core part in the cooling system of the water-cooled engine , and its performance influences the behaviors of the engine directly , even the vehicle .


  24. Effect Comparison Between the Copper Core and the Titanium Core of Oil Cooling Apparatus in Heat Transfer


  25. The removal of ceramic core is very difficult for the extraordinary complex internal passages . Any residual ceramic core will affect the cooling of blade , which will , in turn , affect the life and safety of aircraft engines .


  26. The calculation results show that the core starts damage from 4 560s and the whole process of early core degradation is relatively fast due to poor core cooling conditions .
